Teaching Theta-Healing

In the summer of 2021, Anna and her spouse Vadim Korsunsky received the right to teach the longest and one of the most powerful ThetaHealing® courses in terms of intensity of transformation - Intuitive Anatomy. The teaching certification for this course is an important milestone in excellence for anyone practicing ThetaHealing®. 

ThetaHealing® - is a spiritual technique created and certified by american ThetaHealing Institute of Knowledge®, which helps to change lives and reveals healing abilities. The courses are designed for anyone who wants to learn how to heal with the energy of unconditional love. 

At the course you will understand how to see more than you are used to and correctly interpret spiritual information. Learn to heal the body and life situations, as well as direct energy towards the realization of desires.

Anna and Vadim as trainers have the rights to teach Basic, Advanced ThetaHealing, Digging Deep and Intuitive Anatomy.

Conducting each new course is a piece work with the energy of the group and each of its members, which, in addition to improving your healing skills, helps to answer personal questions and questions of the universe.

To find out the schedule of upcoming courses taught by Anna and Vadim, write to anna.sbw@gmail.com.


Healing experience since 2015:
Anna Korsunsky is a teacher of ThetaHealing® and healer with many years of experience. She has completed more than 30 training courses, conducted more than two thousand healing sessions, the author of articles about ThetaHealing® in the magazines Marie Claire, МосквичMag, Organic Woman.

You can ask questions about sessions and courses in private messages, as well as by writing to us at Anna.sbw(@)gmail.com.

We look forward to seeing you in our course!