Client's experiences


"Now I studied at the basic course on the thetahealing method with Anna Korsunskaya again, for the first time 5 years ago with Ron Oren. I recommend the Anna Korsunsky course, very cool presentation of the material, clear and deep, with a light atmosphere, explanations of nuances, examples from practice, it was very accessible, despite the large volume of the course, everything was worked out in practice - there was a lot of skill development. Another valuable thing is that Anna captivated us with the spirit of research and drive from the process.!"

Anna Chetna-Smirnova 


"It's nice to get fast results, right in the process. This time I received a mortgage approval. Much needed catalyst!"



"I got answers. But they reached me very gently, gradually, there was nothing sharp, frightening at all, I caught the main thing - what I used to consider myself to be, is not at all so small, limited and hard. I am a path that is so interesting and quite pleasant to go.
After the session, I came out calm, filled, and no longer requiring momentary clarity and instant unambiguous answers! The answers then appeared and became brighter and clearer, but I stopped rushing them and enjoy every step". 




"After the session, I remembered moments from the past that were previously inaccessible. The pieces of the puzzle formed into a clear picture of actions - the consequences, not by chance met supposedly "random" people, and the pattern of events.
But the main understanding came that you manage all this concert (your life) - YOURSELF!!! Whatever you want will happen".



"I have reached the age of 42 and have never been married and had no children. Having successfully identified the cause and eliminated it, Anna opened the channel for the state of “adulthood” to me, which changed my perception of the world around me. Almost immediately after the successful sessions, the kids who took me for one and tried to play with me wherever I was, left me alone, and I myself will soon have a baby!"




"My dear Anya! Dreams Come True! Thank you for your help, healing my fears and neuroses!!! This is the real life changing. The main thing is to allow yourself to accept these changes and feel/accept them."



"This is really incredible and deep (awareness and sensations in the body) and at the end of the practice and now there are very joyful sensations. I want to live them".